Make Sure You Are Ready for the February 1, 2024 Changes!
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  • 02Payment
2024 Email Authentication 

Contact information

Billing address

No Refunds: Once you buy this service, remember, there are no refunds. So make sure you really want it before you click 'buy'!

Done-For-You Service: If you choose our 'Done-For-You' service, you need to let us:

-Change DNS Settings: Give us a way to access any services needed to change the DNS settings. Think of it like giving us a key to adjust some settings for you.

-Access Your Email Provider: Let us into your email service provider, so we can set things up right.

What We Do: Our service is all about setting up email authentication. It's like making sure your emails have a VIP pass to get delivered after new rules start in February 2024. But, it's not for:

-Setting up email automations
-Creating email strategies
-Fixing tech problems
-Giving marketing automation advice

By checking this box, you're saying, "I read and understand these terms, and I'm okay with them!"
I agree

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1x2024 Email Authentication$500

All prices in USD